THe Urban cocoon

Energy Balancing
– Reiki

– Mikao Usui
The founder of Reiki, left us with the following formula:
Reiki, the recipe to invite happiness:
And along with these meditation paths to help us find inner peace:
Just for today,
Do not anger
Do not worry
Show gratitude
Work hard on yourself
Be kind to others


It is suitable for both men and women


30 min


€ 25.-


Reiki is a healing and well-being method developed by Mikao Usui, who devoted his life to spiritual exploration. M. Usui was born in Japan in 1865, and in 1922, he experienced “satori” – a Japanese term meaning “awakening, illumination” – which simply means he had an experience of his true “Self,” the “Divine” part within him, within every human being, and in all living things.
In Japanese, Rei means “universal” and includes matter, soul, and spirit. Ki (or Qi) refers to the “vital energy” that circulates within us, as understood in Eastern medicines such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. Reiki is the connection or reconnection of “universal energy” and our own “life force” with the purpose of awakening a dynamic healing process.
The simplicity, quick learning, and effectiveness of Reiki make it a method suitable for anyone wishing to experience their own profound and gentle “evolution,” whether it be on the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual level.
Individual Reiki sessions help alleviate various ailments by targeting the root cause of the “issue” to prevent possible recurrence.

The procedure of a Reiki session:

A Reiki session involves the transmission of energy from the practitioner to a recipient, known as the person being treated or the receiver.

The practitioner is a person who has received Reiki initiation. This initiation allows them to determine if they are predisposed to work with energy. If not, it opens the energetic channels of the student. The practitioner can then channel Reiki energy through their hands to others or themselves.

The receiver is in a lying position, whether it’s on the floor, a bed, or another surface. They remain fully clothed, and there is no need for the receiver to undress during the session. The practitioner places their hands on or above the receiver’s body. Generally, the practitioner’s hands are a few centimeters above the receiver’s body. However, with the receiver’s consent, the practitioner may place their hands directly in contact with the body. The practitioner’s movements are based on their intuition and the feedback from the patient. They work on correcting energetic imbalances in particular. The hand positions are of particular importance, and the practitioner will move their hands over the receiver’s head, trunk, back, and limbs.

Gradually, the receiver starts to feel a sense of well-being, beginning with relaxation and accompanied by a reduction in pain and tension.

When the session is finished, the receiver simply stands up. The effects of the Reiki session can be felt for several hours, sometimes even for several days. The session typically lasts about one hour.

Reiki has no contraindications and can be applied to all categories of individuals. Patients of all ages can be treated, from the very young to the elderly. Patients who have not undergone any other treatment, as well as those already undergoing other therapeutic techniques, can benefit from Reiki. People whose conditions have not been relieved or only partially relieved by other forms of medicine often seek the help of a Reiki therapist.

NOTE: Reiki does not replace medical treatment or medication, but its practice can support an individual during challenging times.

Why pay for a Reiki healing session?

I suggest considering money as a mere exchange of energy that determines the value a product or service has for us. With this energy, we balance each exchange we wish to make, allowing everyone to continue moving in their own direction. I summarize its usefulness in two points:

In many healing traditions, it is felt that “there must be an exchange of energy to maintain the harmony of the universe.” We must receive in order to be able to give. If the river does not “receive,” it runs dry.

By paying the Reiki practitioner, you offer them recognition for their work, dedication, and support, and you help them continue practicing and assisting new individuals.By paying the Reiki practitioner, you offer yourself recognition for your own investment, your choice to progress in your process of evolution and healing, and you become aware of the value of the assistance that the therapist provides to you.

In other words, giving and receiving are part of the same process that, when done fairly, benefits everyone involved.

“All massages are accompanied by an energy balancing treatment for an even greater sense of tranquility!”